Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thursday, we went to pick up the kids at Brent's parents. We had just gotten around five inches of rain. There was a low place in their yard that was FULL of water. Brent commented that when he was a little boy, he used to play there after it rained. After we ate supper, I walked outstide and saw Brent walking across the yard with his jeans rolled up to his knees. (He will probably never let me blog again after I post this). I knew exactly where he was going. I grabbed my camera and followed him. Before I knew it, I had kicked my shoes off and joined him. It was even still raining just a little. I don't think the kids knew what to think but it didn't take long for them to join us. I'm sure we were a sight to see, but we had alot of fun! My Gran-Gran used to say that you could tell a boy had become a man when he walked around mud puddles instead of walking through them. Looks like Brent may have some growing up to do and I'm glad...I think everyone, no matter how old, has a little "kid" left in them that needs to come out sometimes.

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